Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have everything but that's when I can lose it all. Everything...

Woke up this morning. Early. Feeling like an arse ole. That feeling of cold icy sword in the back of me. Precisely, its actually in the middle of my heart.

 Looked in the mirror & I saw a horrible creature squinting back at me.

It's been so long since i shed tears for you. I despise the very idea of it. Felt like I should be stronger than ever, my personal bible was to not have anything close to such thing. But I was only human. Or just a girl. I have feelings, I get hurt, I have insecurities.

Wish I had another bible though. Like a relationship bible - yea well you can get it out there for a couple of bucks- written by John Gray PhD.
 Paperback version of Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus.

A great read to understanding the mind of the XY chromosome. & XX vice versa.
 Very famous indeed. It appeared in movies lots of times. If you didn't know about this, & you are having a relationship whether rain or shine, you should just at least get a glimpse.

The key factor in a successful long-term forever is constant realization, seeking knowledge on it, rejuvenating your love.

People who have the mentality that their love is perfect & don't need constant contribution or whatsoever is seriously going to have a bleak chance on forever or anywhere near pleasant bond.
 Want humongous first hand scenario?
Get this. Anyway, what do you have to lose?
Just gain more knowledge & experience.

It's not like those irritating psychotic analysis done by those media. Or evil conventions of brainwashing saying all men are arse oles or all women are dumb. It's just a guide to love path, how you take it is your choice.  

 How to Simplify Your Love is by far my favorite on love guides. its a fun read with witty humor.

Well this is some of the recommends, they are tons of writers out there. Whether Psychiatric, Professors, Physiologist, Ph.Ds, blah blah. I found one similarity, that is :

'' It's not true that you need to look for another love or such thing as start over with another in order to find true love. Many people have the false impression. Many times the great things or even best things in life is right in front of you all along. ''

Well I loved that. Well said. Really an eye opener for some I guess. But not me.

Nothing in this world is perfect as a whole, if it was, there is no need for improvement or neither can anything become better into something just down right marvelous.

This is also one of the reason many couples have faith in each other. & many turned around & gave true love & forever a second chance.

P/s: So instead of sober i choose solution. Will be under my blanket reading these books if anyone needs me.


  1. Hey there, ya, love is god-forbid complex.

  2. I have that book too. Not the simplify one. Will keep an eye out on that. Nice post.

  3. Stay single then. Although it's lonely.

  4. Stay single then. Although it's lonely.

  5. hey Nicolette, your blog post are better than mine! lol. I love the Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus! funny to find out there're so many different covers. That book is just simply awesome!

    ps: feel free to relate the post you've requested :)

  6. Buggy-
    haha, just have to figure it out.

    thx! =)


    Jamie Wong-
    hey thx! kay, working on a post on dat.Ya the book is helpful


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