Sunday, October 24, 2010

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Durian Pancakes & Dumplings !!!

This is one of the sweetest cafe that Kim, Mun & I raided. Sweet Chat.
Lots of cool new interesting desserts to try. But not as good as Honeymoon still. ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ Dessert #1
♥ Strawberry Toa Fu Fa.
Kim loved it. It's got tat king of exotic flavor to it. Sweet mostly than sour, & it makes you feel girly & all.WTF. But I still prefer the good old classic Tao Fu Fa if you ask me.

♥ ♥ ♥ Dessert #2:
Mun boring lah..haha..she choose the typical ice kacang.'s okay. & when I say okay it means like so so & not worth recommending. Petaling Jaya has one that is awesome. My mum found out about it through the newspapers. Will feature it next time if I have the chance.

♥ ♥ ♥ Ultimate Dessert #3:
Durian Pancakes ♥

Kinda cool & fun to try out. It basically pancake base with smashed durian flavour paste spread over. Oh ya bu mind you, this is the second serving we got that was called, as the first one got some kind of sourish taste. It's not that it's spoiled, it depends on the durian fruit's natural flavor. So remember to inform the waitress whether you like it sweet or sour or bitter.

Next Stop:
Madam Kwan's ♥  I super love it here. & since it's Mun & Kim's first time I kinda brain washed them to order the famous Nasi Bojari that I simply adores.

                    Nasi Bojari was awesome♫ ♪ ♫ ♪!!! Big eaters out there might have trouble finishing it still because it's kinda somewhat enormous. Unless you are a guy of course. That always gives you an advantage if you want to pig out & avoid uncomfortable stares. Particularly from your friends & questioning you where it all actually goes.
    We ordered Dumplings too! *In Love*
The dumpling is quite big each. Almost un-stuffable into your mouth in one bite. However, again, that's an exception if you are a guy.
    Tummy grunted with happiness that day. Yeah!!! Definitely recommend Madam Kwan's as I always do. I have the habit of getting bored of great food that I tried couple of times already but not Madam Kwan (Yet). Hoho...


  1. wow! I got hungry just looking at these yummy pictures! :) nice post nicollete!

  2. @Vir Anthony Suazo Talaugon-
    tQ tQ haha..Im also kinda hungry now thinking of Nasi Bojari.

  3. OMG!!! So hungry~ Arghhh!!
    I want dumplings for dinner!! XD

  4. That Nasi Bojari is real good i heard too

  5. @bendan-
    go try it out next day, Im sure you would love it!

    Yup it's real good :3

  6. The durian pancake does look tempting! Cheerios~

  7. I haven't eat dinner, you making me gastric.


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